Exclusive: Inside the USS Vermont

30 Oct 2018


GROTON, Conn. (WCAX) You can't help but notice the seemingly nonstop trains and boat traffic in the coastal community of New London and Groton, Connecticut. But what you won't see is tucked inside a highly guarded building on the Thames River... until now.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity," said MMAC Jacob Newsome of the U.S. Navy.

It's the United States' most-advanced attack submarine being built by General Dynamics Electric Boat. It's fast, quiet and nearly invisible underwater-- undetectable to the nation's adversaries. It's technology that's so top secret, WCAX News is the only media allowed to see it and take you inside.

This is what will be the USS Vermont.

"The human eyeball is our greatest threat in some cases," said Cmdr. Henry Roenke of the U.S. Navy.

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