Remembrance of the Battle of Groton Heights
September 01 • 6:00 PM
Fort GriswoldPark Avenue
Groton, CT, CT 06340
United States
The Friends of Fort Griswold Battlefield will hold a candlelight ceremony commemorating the 1781 Battle of Groton Heights. The Friends will place 88 luminaries on the Fort grounds each representing a casualty from the Battle of Groton Heights. As the name of the slain Defender is read, a candle is
extinguished. The Connecticut Line CT SAR Color Guard will lay a wreath on the spot where Col. Ledyard was killed, and fire a 3-volley musket salute.
The ceremony is free of charge and the public is encouraged to attend. In the event of rain, the event will be cancelled.
If you plan to attend, please bring lawn chairs.