Explore Groton
Groton, Connecticut, is a growing New England community located on Fishers Island Sound between the Thames River and the Mystic River.
We’re positioned midway between New Haven and Providence along I-95, and just 50 miles south of Hartford. The major metro areas of Boston and New York City are easily accessible by car or rail.
Our shoreline community offers many different styles of living. From historic village settings to beachfront neighborhoods, single-family homes and upscale apartments, there is a place for everyone to call home. Relax in a fabulous restaurant, shop in local stores, or go on a tasting tour of all of our delicious ice cream. It is easy to get around with a system of roads to drive, sidewalks and trails to stroll and bike paths to wander. There are year-round concerts, parades and sports to enjoy. Groton has a local aerial park, a premier indoor tennis facility, a trapeze gym as well as countless other fun things to do with your weekends. Close to Boston and New York, it is easy to enjoy a world-class museum or access an international airport when the spirit moves you for more adventure.
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Bounded by rivers, shoreline, and woods, Groton is situated between the historic shipbuilding communities of Mystic on the east and Groton Bank on the west.
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Groton has a long tradition of championing people with big ideas.
When whale oil lit homes, Groton was a center for the international whaling industry and when sea trade was critical to the nation’s growth, Groton craftsmen built Clipper Ships.
The production of Penicillin and Vitamin C were perfected by Groton-based Pfizer Inc.
National defense has a rich history here in Groton. The first nuclear submarine in the world was designed and built here. The Naval Submarine Base began with a big idea by local citizens and today it is home to the Navy’s Submarine School where sailors learn how to operate the most technologically advanced sea craft in the world. Groton is also the site of one of only four DOD facilities in the US that perform sophisticated maintenance on Army helicopters.
Learn more about Groton's History.