Pop Up Bicycle Route to the Gold Star Bridge

16 Apr 2019

Community Interest

Groton Tactical Engagement (Way Finding)– May 11-24th!
Signs for biking and walking can do a lot more than point you in the right direction; a signage system can also provide distance to destination, time to destination, and even “brand” a bikeway or bike/walk network. We are piloting such a system on a route in Groton connecting the US Navy submarine base and the Gold Star Bridge between May 11 and 24, and we hope you’ll come to check it out! We want to know what you think of the route, the information on the signs, and the aesthetics of the signs too, so please check in with a volunteer or staffer if you see one set up beside the route. Your feedback will help inform decisions to be made in Groton and across Southeastern Connecticut!

Map of Route Sample of Sign

Visit the facebook page for more info