Mystic’s Adam Young shows promise on first episode of Food Network’s “Best Baker in America”

30 May 2018

Walk into the bright and airy Sift Bake Shop in downtown Mystic and you’ll be presented with exquisitely crafted chocolate raspberry tortes in eye-catching fuchsia, lemon tarts with jellied centers, opera cakes, and macarons of varying flavors, including peanut-butter-and-jelly, mimosa and rose water. This sort of perfection comes at no easy cost. Every variable, from air temperature to humidity — elements that could potentially distort the intended results of these remarkable creations — must be accounted for, ensuring that sponges, meringues and chocolate glazes are perfect. At Sift, owner and head pastry chef Adam Young is in control of all that.

In the studio kitchen of the Food Network’s “Best Baker in America,” however, those factors are in complete flux.

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