With focus on fresh food, market to open in Noank
25 Jul 2018
Small Business
Groton — Amy Sarcia's Buddhist faith teaches that coincidence means you're on the right path, and so a few events leading up to the opening of her new market in Noank seemed auspicious.
There was the discovery that her landlord at the 17 Pearl St. site, Steve Jones, had written a book about her great-uncle, Capt. Lawrence Malloy. Then there was the synchronicity with which she and chef Andrew Fine thought of a name for the market.
Settling on No Anchor Fine Food & Provisions arose from thinking about the epithet for the locals: Noankers.
"We love that term, but we didn't want to use that, so No Anchor fits in perfectly," Sarcia said, "and also it's kind of symbolic that with no anchor, you can go wherever you want to go."
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