19 Aug 2021

Community Interest

Town of Groton Mask Mandate

Recently, Governor Lamont issued Executive Order 13a which allows municipalities to put in place indoor mask mandates in response to elevated rates of transmission of COVID.

Relevant Section, 13a(d) This order shall supersede and preempt any current or future municipal order whenever such order conflicts with this order, provided that a municipal order issued pursuant to Section 28- 8a of the Connecticut General Statutes requiring masks or face coverings in indoor settings regardless of vaccination status shall not be deemed to conflict with this order.

The Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 makes up approximately 90% of all infections in the State of Connecticut. We are experiencing a surge in infections both locally and across the state as a result of the Delta variant. Approximately 35% of people in New London County are not fully vaccinated, and we have seen about a 40% increase in new COVID cases. Hospitalizations are also up approximately 11%.

The Town is in regular discussions with Ledge Light Health District and our neighboring municipalities on the status of the virus as well how best to respond.  The Town is currently surrounded by municipalities that are in the highest category of cases in COVID rating system, with cases expected to continue to climb.  Ledge Light, Uncas, and Chatham Health Districts support the CDC and DPH position that masks should be worn in all indoor public settings.  Based on the information above, an indoor mask mandate will be going into effect on Monday, August 23, 2021.  This order will be regularly reviewed as we move forward.  You can see the details of the emergency order further.  Please stay safe and I urge everyone to GET VACCINATED if possible.

John Burt

Groton Town Manager


Related Documents
Emergency Declaration Four
Executive Order 13A
Mask Sign
Indoor Mask Mandate Sign
Indoor Mask Mandate FAQ



August 18, 2021

Whereas, on March 10, 2020, the Governor of the State of Connecticut declared a public health emergency and civil preparedness emergency for the State of Connecticut General Statutes Sections 19a-131 and 28-9, in response to the global pandemic of COVID-19;

WHEREAS, on  March 16, 2020, the Town Manager acting as the Chief Executive for the Town of Groton declared a local State of Emergency per Connecticut General Statutes Section 28-8a, 28-1(8),a and 28-22; and  

WHEREAS, on May 13, 2020, the Town Manager extended the State of Emergency to continue for the duration of the Governor’s declared State of Emergency due to the on-going pandemic; and

WHEREAS, the delta variant of COVID-19 has emerged as having a significantly higher transmission rate than the initial virus; and

WHEREAS, the CDC has found that vaccinated individuals can become infected with COVID-19 and are able to transmit the infection to others; and

WHEREAS, on August 6, 2021 the Governor of the State of Connecticut issued Executive Order 13A providing municipal leaders with the option of requiring masks in indoor public spaces within their respective towns and cities for all individuals, regardless of vaccination status; and

WHEREAS, on August 10, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention placed New London County in the “High Transmission” category of COVID-19;

WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the residents of the Town of Groton to promote public health and to minimize the adverse impact and substantial threat to public health created by the current health emergency posed by the spread of COVID-19; and

WHEREAS, among the best practices to halt the transmission and spread of COVID-19 are the use of masks and cloth coverings over the nose and mouth that are compliant with CDC guidelines, now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that pursuant to the powers and duties granted in the Connecticut General Statutes, including Section 28-81, in response to the existing public health emergency existing in the Town of Groton, and in accordance with the advice from the Ledge Light Health District officials, effective Monday, August 23, 2021 at 12:01 a.m., regardless of vaccination status, the wearing of masks or cloth face coverings that are compliant with CDC guidelines is required in any indoor public spaces, meaning spaces that include municipal buildings and those to which any member of the public has access within the Town of Groton outside of the City of Groton and Groton Long Point; and, be it, further

RESOLVED, that also effective Monday, August 23, 2021 at 12:01 a.m., regardless of vaccination status, the wearing of masks or cloth face coverings that are compliant with CDC guidelines is required in any private indoor business, and in any places of employment, where social distancing is impractical, unlikely, or difficult to maintain, within the Town of Groton outside of the City of Groton and Groton Long Point, and, be it, further

RESOLVED, that nothing in this order should be deemed or construed to counteract, reverse, withdraw, revoke or otherwise amend any previously or subsequently issued order, unless expressly stated; and

RESOLVED, that those with relevant medical conditions rendering them unable to wear masks and face coverings; children under the age of 2; while eating and drinking at a commercial establishment that serves food and/or beverages; and for people who are alone in an office setting or are separated by a partition from other people, are exempt from this order; and, be it, further

RESOLVED, that the protocols for buildings under the supervision and control of the Board of Education will continue to operate in accord with existing executive orders issued by the Governor; and, be it, further 

RESOLVED, that the order shall remain in effect until such time as it is amended or terminated.