With EB hiring day, some accept offers on the spot
13 Mar 2023
Maritime Industry
It wasn’t even 9:30 a.m., and Commis Boggan had already walked into the employment office at Electric Boat, shared his top choices for a trade, sat through a half-hour interview, accepted a job offer, and been informed of next steps.
“Commis has accepted a position as a pipefitter,” an EB employee said as he brought Boggan to a cubicle to speak with staffing coordinator Ashley McDonald.
“First off, congratulations,” McDonald said, before explaining that the onboarding process would take about two to three months and his anticipated start date is June 1. Her hope was for Boggan to be enrolled in an Eastern Connecticut Workforce Investment Board (EWIB) class starting March 20 or April 3, and she explained next steps for a drug screening, physical and fingerprinting.
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