The State of Tourism
3 Jun 2019
If anyone has doubts as to the impact of tourism on the Connecticut economy, they may be assuaged by the impressive numbers* presented at the Connecticut Conference on Tourism:
- $2.2 billion in tax revenue, including $960 million in state and local taxes
- 84,254 jobs directly related to tourism; 123,521 total jobs when including support activities
- $15.5 billion in total business sales, a 5.5% increase since the last study (2015)
- 6.7% increase in traveler spending over 2015, up 12.2% over the past 5 years
- Tourism is Connecticut’s 8th largest employer and may boast 7 years of consecutive growth
To an audience of professionals who work across the state in the tourism industry, it was preaching to the choir, but sometimes it is nice to hear that your contribution is being noticed.