Symposium focuses on education needs for workforce
22 Jun 2018
Norwich — The Connecticut Department of Labor kicked off its annual CT Learns & Works conference on Wednesday morning at Three Rivers Community College, the location for the first of four symposiums across the state.
"The purpose of CT Learns and Works is to bring educators and employers together to share their knowledge about what is needed and is being offered in terms of an educated workforce," CT Learns and Works Conference Chairman Stephen Dombrowski explained in a news release, "and to foster opportunities within a local area or region."
Attendees at Three Rivers included high school guidance counselors and teachers, higher education staff and local business leaders, especially in manufacturing and health care.
The symposium involved a presentation from CTDOL economist Patrick Flaherty, a panel with local employers and a discussion on the roles and responsibilities of the education community.
A recurring theme was that employers struggle to find young workers with the necessary soft skills. Speaking in the panel discussion, Chelsea Groton Bank Vice President Tamela Higgins noted this includes problem-solving, communication and leadership.